The marching is worth watching- you can either head into Coxen Hole to see it, or a few of the schools also march through Sandy Bay, and others march up at French Harbour. School children wear either their uniform or special outfits, such as folkloric dress and cheerleading outfits in Honduran colours. There are baton twirlers and flag carriers, as well as marching bands. Kids practice at school for several weeks leading up to the date. It's usually very hot, teachers and parents follow along with water, and my kids have never enjoyed it (I guess that's the Canadian part of their roots), but most kids seem to get really excited about participating.
Independence Day also means that it's time for the international fishing tournament and carnival in West End, which is scheduled in the days around Independence Day, this year September 15-18. It's now a catch and release tournament, and draws boats from all over. There are several different categories, and prizes are substantial, with the awards ceremony taking place at 7pm on the last night. Along the main road of West End, there are food and drink vendors (with super cheap beer prices), and a stage with entertainment.