Fortunately, we've got propane for cooking (most people use propane stoves here), with a back-up tank. Others aren't so lucky and don't have a back up tank: I saw one funny conversation on Facebook. People posting to see if there was propane anywhere, someone suggesting to cook with wood, and a reply that all the wood was wet (due to all the rain we've been having). Another reply suggested he might auction off his spare tank, someone asked if it would come with a dozen eggs :) I guess there will be a run on electric cooktops!
The airport also had a different demographic than normal. Usually, everyone is lined up checking in with their rollerbags. Instead, today was all backpackers- travelers that would normally leave Utila and go through the mainland to their next destination were instead coming over to Roatan (as there's no international airport in Utila) to go to their next stop with a flight.
At the hostel, all is good. Our road has been so eroded by the recent rains that I couldn't get my car out of the driveway, but I had someone out there with a pickax this morning, so I got out just fine, and now a few neighbours have chipped in together to get the digger to straighten things out, so our road will be looking a bit better. The garbage hasn't been picked up in almost a month, so I guess we'll need to arrange that too. Island life with its hiccups :) The sun is shining, and the pool is looking tempting! It's a beautiful day to head out exploring.